Tucker Carlson

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Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson, born on May 16, 1969, in San Francisco, is a prominent American conservative political commentator and television host. Educated at Trinity College, his career in media began as a fact-checker and evolved into hosting major shows like "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Fox News, where he became one of the network's most watched personalities. Known for his provocative style, Carlson has often critiqued liberal policies, particularly on immigration, promoting controversial theories like the Great Replacement. His tenure at Fox News was marked by significant controversies, including his role in the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit and his coverage of the January 6 Capitol attack. After parting ways with Fox News in 2023, Carlson has continued his commentary on current events through "Tucker on X."

  • Affiliation: Conservative/Constitutionalist


Birth: Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson was born on May 16, 1969, in San Francisco, California.

Employment: After his departure from Fox News in 2023, Carlson has hosted "Tucker on X," continuing his commentary on current events through the X platform.

Education: Attended St. George's School in Rhode Island, known for its elite status, and later Trinity College in Connecticut, where he admittedly spent much of his time socializing rather than studying.

Early Career: Began as a fact-checker for the conservative journal Policy Review. Applied to work for the CIA but was rejected, which led him towards journalism.

Television: Worked at various networks including MSNBC, where he hosted "Tucker," CNN with "Crossfire," and eventually landed at Fox News with "Tucker Carlson Tonight," becoming one of the most-watched hosts on cable news.

Print and Online: Has written for numerous publications like Esquire, Slate, The Weekly Standard, and co-founded The Daily Caller, a conservative news website.

Political Views: Carlson is known for his conservative views, often critiquing what he describes as the liberal elite's control over media and politics. He's been a vocal critic of immigration policies, suggesting they're part of a broader conspiracy against white Americans.

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Video Archive

tucker video archive
catherine herridge tucker carlson interview
thomas massie deep state AIPAC
government fearmongering brain control
tulsi gabbard biden deep state
dave smith tim walz

Major Topics & Controversies Covered


The Great Replacement Theory: Carlson has been criticized for promoting this theory, which suggests there’s a deliberate effort to replace white populations with non-white immigrants.

Jan 6 Capitol Attack: Carlson believes the Jan 6 narrative was purposefully driven to divide Americans. He also believes the event itself was not organic in nature.

Dominion Voting Systems Lawsuit: Carlson was named in a lawsuit against Fox News for promoting claims about election fraud involving Dominion.

Public Health and Science Criticism: During the COVID-19 pandemic, he criticized public health measures like mask-wearing and questioned the safety of vaccines with untested MRNA technologies.