Commerce Sec. Gina Raimondo Denies BLS Job Losses (VIDEO)

Commerce Sec. Gina Raimondo Denies BLS Job Loss Data (800,000+) VIDEO

Gina Raimondo, the Secretary of Commerce under the Harris-Biden administration, has expressed skepticism regarding new government data which suggests that nearly a million jobs previously reported as created by the administration might not exist. This statement came in response to a significant revision by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which adjusted the job creation numbers downward by 818,000, marking one of the largest revisions in recent years.

  • Public Reaction: Social media platforms like X have been buzzing with reactions, with users questioning Raimondo’s awareness of her department’s data or suggesting she might be dismissing the information due to its political implications, especially since former President Trump highlighted the discrepancy.
  • Raimondo’s Response: When confronted with this data, Raimondo initially indicated she was not familiar with the report, which raised eyebrows given her position. Later, she seemed to dismiss the validity of the data, possibly influenced by the fact that Trump had mentioned it, suggesting a bias or disbelief in the information due to its political context.
  • Implications: This event has sparked discussions on the accuracy of job statistics, the political manipulation of economic data, and the competence or honesty of administration officials in addressing economic figures that might reflect poorly on their performance. Critics argue this could be seen as an attempt to downplay or deny inconvenient truths about the administration’s economic achievements.

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